Green coffee prices have reached historic highs. In this article, we outline reasons why green coffee has become so expensive, and recommend five ways you can save money on coffee. 

Why Are Coffee Prices Rising?

The cost of green coffee, the unroasted coffee bean, has risen 100% since the start of 2024. Several factors have contributed to the historic pricing:

  • Climate change: Severe drought and unexpected frosts in major coffee-producing countries, like Colombia and Brazil, have significantly decreased harvest yields and global supply.
  • Global demand: Coffee is gaining popularity around the world. Every year, there are more coffee drinkers on Earth which increases demand. 
  • Trade wars: Tariff threats in Mexico, Colombia, and other coffee producing countries have added stress to an already volatile market. 
  • Supply chain challenges: Lack of liquidity, shipping container shortages, increased labor costs, and currency fluctuations continue to impact the global market and drive prices up.

We've resisted raising prices for as long as possible, prioritizing your coffee rituals over profit margins. However, last week, we implemented a modest 10% price increase to ensure we can continue roasting coffees that meet the standards you expect from YCR.

Our promise is that we will not compromise the quality of green coffee that comes into the YCR Roastery. We will continue to roast coffees that were grown in the mountains by local families and farmers, and will not settle on cheaper coffees grown on industrial farms that are harvested by machines.

Know that our modest price increase ensures we will continue working with the same cooperatives we've supported for decades and will increases wages for coffee producers from Earth's finest growing regions.

5 Ways You Can Save Money on Coffee

1. Stop buying coffee at coffee shops

In many coffee shops, a cup of drip could run you $3 or more.

It's not uncommon to spend $6 or more on a latte, by the time you tip.

Brewing a cup of coffee at home comes out to just over $1 per cup. The old-timers are right; the most practical way of saving money on coffee is to make it at home.

We hope you also find value in the ritual of starting each morning by making something for your own enjoyment with your own hands. 

2. Stop wasting coffee

We've all been guilty of dumping half the pot down the drain after brewing a giant batch when we really didn't need it.

Plan ahead. Don't make more than you need, and only brew what you're going to drink.

You may also consider transitioning to a method that makes a cup or two at a time, like a V60 or Chemex.

3. Keep your beans fresh

Sunlight, open air, and humidity can make your coffee taste stale, flat, and flavorless. Sadly, old coffee is often thrown into the dumpster.

Reduce waste by keeping your coffee beans in a cool, dark environment. A food pantry or kitchen cupboard work great. Fold your bag as low as possible to remove air and slow oxidation.

4. Choose brew methods that use less coffee

For some brew methods, like a French press, we recommend using a stronger coffee to water ratio to optimize your brewing and get the most out of your coffee.

It's worth considering the switch to a brew method that uses less coffee to create a full bodied and delicious cup. For example, our starting point pour over ratio (1:16) uses ~20% less coffee than a French press.

5. Choose 2LB bags, 5LB bags, and Subscriptions

When ordering online, you see substantial savings when you order in bulk.

Take Big Sky Lift as an example. Save 15% when you purchase a 2LB bag, compared to standard 12oz. bags.

Savings on 5LB bags exceeds 20%.

Your biggest savings are available from Yellowstone Coffee Subscriptions where you save an additional 5-10% on your order, which always includes free shipping. 

Benjamin Weyer