Our Community Coffee Series has become a customer favorite and has given YCR a solid platform to give back to the community that has so generously supported us since we began roasting in 1998.

Since beginning the project we've partnered with the Friends of the GNFAC and Montana Trout Unlimited for our seasonal coffees First Chair and Deep Creek. Both coffees have become local favorites and have helped raise awareness and funding to support the invaluable work of the GNFAC and Montana TU.

This season we've partnered with the Greater Yellowstone Coalition for our newest community coffee, Spring Thaw. We set out to create a blend that captures the essence of spring in Montana. This coffee needed bold characteristics for camp percolators as well as smooth attributes to help ease the pain of inevitable snowstorms in May. We blended exceptional coffees from Guatemala and Brazil, and the result is a cup that is balanced and simply sweet. Spring Thaw is the smoothest and least acidic coffee in our lineup.

Spring in Montana

We will be donating a portion of sales from every bag of Spring Thaw to the Greater Yellowstone Coalition to help protect the wild heart of North America. GYC has an endless list of local projects, but we'll mention just a few that hit especially close to home.

  • Defending the Paradise Valley against a proposed mine at the Yellowstone Gateway.
  • Protecting and connecting wildlife migration routes on the High Divide.
  • Safeguarding wild and native fish populations in the Greater Yellowstone watersheds. 

Southwest Montana's vast landscapes, pristine waterways, and alluring wildlife are what brought our family to Bozeman many years ago. GYC is dedicated to defending the wild spaces and animals that have earned Montana its title as the Last Best Place. We're thrilled to be working with an organization with a cause as admirable as the Greater Yellowstone Coalition and hope you'll help support their mission by drinking Spring Thaw.

Montana Spring

Benjamin Weyer